How brands can support female empowerment is explained and encouraged in a dynamic, new narrative format.
Visual Stories is a mobile-first, quick-tap, linear story product that showcases emerging trends in Google Data. Google asked us to create one of the first-ever Visual Stories to share with marketers some insights and ideas around how their brands can support the empowerment of women.
For a brand-new medium, we created a unique type and image art direction that sat within the Think with Google brand but could encompass all the ideas in the Women’s Empowerment Visual Story.
Combining a mix of simple line animation, with 3D elements, camera moves and various type treatments, the Visual Story shares insights from Google Search to paint a picture of how women can be disadvantaged by certain commercial norms. Following each insight, it delivers simple ideas on how to address this imbalance and inspires with positive examples other businesses have already implemented.
Using type and various animation styles, we delivered insights about how brands disadvantage women and what they could be doing to change this.
A Visual Story is a new Google format especially designed to deliver insights. In one of its first outings, PHQ crafted a narrative to help marketers understand the prejudices women experience in the marketplace and how brands can support them.