Auckland Museum

Love and Loss

An immersive, interactive digital installation involves museum visitors in an exhibition about love and loss.

Gestural illustration showing figures connected to a large hovering heart
  • Gentle, Pensive Engagement
  • Motion-Sensing
  • Complementary To The Exhibit

Love And Loss was an exhibition that presented a selection of the Auckland War Memorial Museum’s collection of social documentary ephemera. Its purpose was to involve visitors in the emotional context of the artefacts, recognising the stories of heartache and heart-break in the manuscripts, letters and diaries.

To support a more thoughtful ‘quiet’ exhibition, we were asked to create a digital installation using Kinect technology, that sensed the presence and movement of visitors, translated this data into a visual abstraction and used effects that explored their relationships as individuals and connected entities.

What emerged is a visually-lyrical moment that evolves differently based on the number of people involved and their physicalities. While the experience was abstract and undemanding, a large range of visitors were engaged with ideas of self, connection and the forces and vacuums that influence us.


  • Thoughtful Interaction
  • Texture And Form
  • Emotional Response
Five figures depicted in rough particle renders

An Abstract Story

  • Different Inputs
  • Visual Stimulus
  • Colour Communication

To create a sense of narrative, certain actions and interactions prompted evolutions in the visuals.

A figure depicted in a rough particle render that bleeds upward with particles floating to a hovering point above

On Approach

Particle-representations appear as visitors are sensed. As they move their arms and hands emit particles around the scene.

Three figures depicted in rough particle renders that bleed upward with particles floating and mixing


When visitors are sensed to be close to each other, on-screen their figures merge, and their colours combine..

Four figures depicted in rough particle renders that bleed upward with particles floating and mixing


As people move apart, their particles separate and return to their original colours.


  • Evanescent
  • Particle Rendering
  • Suggestive Imagery
Phantom employees experimenting with the movement detection technology and projection screen
Love and Loss
Watch Reel
Case Study - 2022 Showreel

A digital installation that emotively supports the stories of heartache and heart-break behind a museum collection.

Using Kinect technology, we created a visually-lyrical moment that evolves differently based on the number of people passing through, their forms and relative distances.

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