An online event platform and marketing website that helps media agencies become experts in marketing with Google.
Digital marketing can deliver incredible results for brands, but there’s a constantly evolving landscape of terms, techniques and ideas that practitioners need to be across to harness what’s possible. To make sure their media agency partners have all the latest information, Google asked us to build a website and revamp the web app for their Digital Guru educational program.
As the flagship program for the Asia-Pacific area, Digital Guru is a key tool of empowerment for media agencies. Our website delivered this program in a series of four modules from foundational knowledge and a broad overview, through to implementation and extended learning opportunities.
Backed up by live events and online workshops supported through the web app, the project required a simple and intuitive UI to guide users through various articles, interviews, slide shows and other presentations.
Over the last three years the Digital Guru program has grown from a limited app to an app plus site that offers a range of functionality.
Starting in 2019 as a supplementary element to live events, in 2020 the decision was made to support online learning.
Redesign of the app built out features and functionality that enhanced its use.
A radical art direction refresh gave the site and app a striking new look.
To keep media agencies up to date on Google’s products and solutions, PHQ built a website and revamped the web app for Google’s educational program.
The Digital Guru program educated marketers and media agencies on the constantly-evolving landscape of terms, techniques and ideas related to digital marketing.